Monday, June 18, 2012

How Much Would You Pay For Jason?

True Blood, S05E02

Sookie and Lafayette struggled to look after Tara who was raging around the house.  Eric and Bill were interrogated and tortured at an Authority holding area.  Arlene tried to get to the bottom of what was wrong with Terry.  Luna gave Sam the boot when he tried to give his two cents about Emma.  Steve offered money to Jessica to hand over Jason to him.

The winner this week for best scene in this episode was hands-down when Steve approached Jessica for the use of Jason for 10 grand--cash.  I had hoped that he hadn't given up on Jason so easily, and this time he really showed that he was indeed determined to get his hands on him.  I was dying with laughter when Jessica was teasing him about how hot Jason was so he would double his offer.  Luckily, she wasn't about to pimp out her friend.  Still, Steve seems that he is going to keep causing trouble for Jessica until he gets what he wants.  I'm very interested to see what else he might do.  Also, I loved when he just barged into her party and was getting along with those college students so well.  Wow.

The second best scene for me was when Lafayette had to offer Tara some True Blood, and he looked terrified and pulled up his sweater around his neck.  I freaking love when Lafayette is kinda scared shitless--his expressions are so funny!  But I felt myself feeling sorry for him when he was about to stake Tara, and he confessed that he had her turned because he didn't have anyone without her now that Jesus was gone.  Aww!  As much as I hate Tara, I don't want to see Lafayette so sad and lonely!  If Tara can just manage to be there for him, I can tolerate her ass still being alive.

Another scene that had me very interested was Bill and Eric being interrogated.  I was amazed at how they refused to sell one another out, no matter what happened to them.  Even better, I love that Eric can still be sarcastic when his life is on the line.  He cracks me up.  Of course, it would feel a little out of character for him if Eric was cowering in fear or something.  Not only is he brave no matter what, but he's also so damn loyal!  I was surprised that when it looked like "Guardian (who the hell is that guy?)" was going to stake Bill, Eric tried to throw all the blame on himself to save him.  Man, they are really going to be friends forever once this Authority business is done (perhaps it's all due to the fact they don't have to fight over Sookie anymore?).

Their interrogation also brought up the issue of the Vampire Bible, where it was said that God was a vampire and created the first vampire in his image, and humans were just created to feed vampires.  That's interesting.  Then they showed the chancellors engaging in this very religious ceremony where they all consumed blood (like communion or something).  It was weird seeing vampires engaging in their own religious rituals.  

The last thing that I liked in this episode was seeing Eric circa 1905.  Since it was Pam's flashback, I'm pretty sure that many fans like myself were just waiting for Eric to make an appearance dawned in that century's style of clothing.  I think that it suited him pretty well, and I loved him calmly licking his bloody hand before he started chatting with Pam.  Since Eric left right after giving Pam some money to cover her ruined dress, we still haven't seen when she was turned by Eric.  I'm guessing that he probably showed up another time at her place of employment another day.  Though, I can't see Eric really needing to pay anyone to sleep with him.  Hopefully we'll get to see the continuation of the vampire Pam origin story.

Lastly, I just want to mention how insane Luna is for kicking Sam out of her house (and life, basically).  He almost got himself killed by wolves for her and her daughter's sake!  I'm sure he would do it even if they weren't dating, but she is all kinds of crazy to tell him that it's her way or the highway like that.  Hopefully now that she's seen that her daughter is indeed a wolf after all, maybe she'll stop acting like a bitch and lean on Sam.  She could do a lot worse for someone in the supernatural world, anyway.  At least when things go to hell, Sam would be around for support.  That's enough to keep him around, considering her connection with the werewolves in town.  But I wonder if she'll break down and go to Emma's grandmother for help or will she apologize to Sam?  Either of those choices are better than her being a stubborn bitch and trying to handle everything for herself.  She best come to her senses and realize Sam's the best thing that's happened to her in a while (although, he can be a bit of trouble magnet himself).

I liked this episode a lot more than I did the first.  I was worried that I was going to be watching, but not that invested in what was mostly going on, but I'm surprised by how much I like the Jessica versus Steve battle and Eric and Bill's involvement with the Authority.  I'm not looking forward to Eric and Bill taking down Russell, but it's good that they were able to use his escape to prolong their lives for a while.  I'm sure that they will find a way to redeem themselves by stopping the ex-King from causing more havoc.  But of course, more than that I want to see Steve try another way to get Jason.  I have a feeling that's going to be the funniest storyline this season.

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