Friday, October 12, 2012

My First Favorite Story

The Mindy Project, S01E03

Mindy got Shauna to get her into a club, and it ended up being an office outing.  Mindy was able to get into the VIP section and meet some interesting guys, but in the end she had to decide whether abandoning her friends was worth a possible hookup.

I didn't expect an episode about a club to be so good, but there were quite a few interesting moments.  One of such was when they first arrived and the group was waiting outside in the line.  Someone remarked that NBA players come to the club quite often:
[Mindy] This is amazing ’cause black guys love me.[Shauna] Keep your racism voice down.[Mindy] Sorry.  That’s not racist.  It’s a scientific fact that black guys love Indian girls.[Shauna] Don’t…[Mindy] Black guys also love ass, which I happen to have a lot of.
I love hearing about different stereotypes and was interested to see if Mindy could prove it to be true.  At first she didn't seem to be having any luck, and then she finally got into the VIP at what seemed to be at the request of one of the players.  It turned out to be from the sports attorney, but he turned out to be less of a douche than he first appeared (my first impression was that he was really rude and perhaps out to play her).  I loved when Mindy was just chilling with the players and having a great time.  She just seemed so cute, yet not awkward chatting with them.  It's just too bad she had other priorities than possibly the most amazing night of her life.

I'm actually glad that Mindy has a big heart and would rather stick by Shauna  and Betsy than go off have fun by herself.  I was pretty impressed with her.  It says a lot about her character.  If she had gone, it would have told me she was really only looking out for herself in the world, and I probably would have started to like her a lot less.

I also started to like Danny a little more in the episode, getting to see him cut loose and dance, but I felt bad that Shauna likes him and he went home with some random girl.  I hope that Shauna can get his attention one day because he doesn't seem to often give attention to anyone unless it's necessary.

I also felt like Morgan was off to a good start in this episode as well.  I loved that he had all these things with him like he was a bathroom attendant, but had no intention of being one, as I thought he did.  I mean, I was confused at first that he didn't understand why he was being given money; it took me a second to realize he had really just brought those toiletries for himself.  Wow.  Then, I thought it was sweet that he picked up everyone's tab at the end of the night with the money he had made (even though it was less than $40).  He could easily become one of my favorites.

This time, I definitely felt like this show has really started to win me over.  I at least care about some of the characters now and want to see how they might grow as people as the stories develop.  I wonder what will happen between Mindy and Josh.  He seems pretty into her, but I don't know if Mindy is there yet.  And I'd like to see Shauna have a real chance with Danny.  I think they could be at least an entertaining couple for a little while.

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