Monday, December 10, 2012

Even Gene Could Do Better

Bob's Burgers, S03E08

Gene ended up dating a girl that he didn't particularly like because he didn't know how to reject her.  When Gene finally had enough of dating her, he lost his resolve to breakup with her when he found out her father owned a bunch of audio equipment he allowed Gene to use at his leisure.  Linda also went on a strict diet that made her super-hungry all the time.

Sometimes it's good to be reminded that Gene and the others aren't the most annoying kids in this show.  They did a great job with Courtney's character because I couldn't stand her ass.  Her voice, her snorting, and especially that disgusting habit of sucking on her necklace--she was repugnant.  Even someone like Gene who is kind of disgusting and irritating couldn't hold a candle to Courtney.  She was the girlfriend from hell.  She was also really freaking clingy--I can't stand that.  It was pretty funny that even Bob agreed to drive Gene away because he hated her.  I felt as mad as Louise that Gene was letting his love of gear get in the way of a really sensible decision to cut her off.

I don't know if wanting unlimited access to Courtney's father's stuff was worth hanging out with her for even another second.  Sure, it was heaven for Gene, but he also had to endure hell with Courtney.  I don't think it was a fair trade off.  Luckily, he didn't take too long to find that out for himself.

It's kind of wrong of me to say, but I sort of wished Courtney had died in that hospital for real.  Yeah, Gene was being a jerk for leading her on and embarrassing her at her own birthday party, but that bitch was over the top annoying!  And she literally cornered him into going out with her.  There was no way he could have said no without looking like an asshole.  And in the end he still looked like one, so I guess it's one of those damned if you do and damned if you don't situations.

It was messed up how Courtney's father stole Gene's song six months later.  Really?  It's not like he broke Courtney's heart (that bitch already had the next boyfriend in mind once Gene dumped her)--that wasn't right.  But I guess it does teach Gene to not so carelessly give away his "genius" works for anyone to just steal.

Linda's diet was ridiculous.  It made a good point about those crazy fad diets where you can only eat a certain thing.  I don't know why anyone would do one of those when they make the person unsatisfied and have little success of working.  Even if they do work, you'd gain that weight back the second you stopped eating skins or whatever the flavor of the month food was.  I'm glad that Linda sort of came to her senses.  She had to have a horny old man tell her she looked good (because Bob's opinions never matter) before she allowed herself to chase after mashed potatoes again.  Her story in general was just like a fly buzzing around your ear and not very interesting.

This wasn't one of my favorites, just because I've had enough of Courtney.  I just wouldn't want to watch her again sucking on her damn necklace or opening her big mouth.  The story did give me some perspective on how I see Gene, though.  He's not that bad when I think about Courtney.  Linda, as usual, fails to bring a good story that's mainly about her acting crazy.  I doubt I'll see the day when one of her stories is entertaining.

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