Sunday, May 20, 2012

Grimm's Future For Me Looking Grim

Grimm, S01E22

Nick and Hank were investigating the murder of a private investigator that Akira, a person involved in Nick's parents' murder, had hired.  They found pictures of Nick, Hank, Renard, and Monroe, and Akira began to turnout their houses looking for the gold coins.  Adalind brought her cat to Juliette and a scratch from it made her ill.  Before she was hospitalized, Nick tried to explain about being a Grimm and the Wesen, but Juliette failed to believe him.

It was a bit convenient that after Nick found out about Akira, he came to town looking for information about who might have had the coins he was looking for.  I suppose with the incident before it would make sense that he would get wind of the coins landing in Portland, especially when he had already encountered Farley without them, but I just figured that Nick might go looking for Akira, not the other way around.  I was surprised that Renard wasn't able to do much against Akira himself, even if he was ambushed.  I just expected that a reaper would be able to put up a better fight.  But Akira did seemed highly skilled and powerful, so I suppose I can see why he wouldn't be able to do anything.

The fight between Nick and Akira was a little impressive.  I never expect Nick to be able to do more than get by on the skin of his teeth, simply because I just don't buy that he should be that skilled.  But when fighting Akira, who seemed like a force to be reckoned with, he was kicking some ass.  Maybe it was because he was face to face with the killer of his parents, or maybe it was because he had been "training" in the more recent episodes.  It's going to take a while before I believe that he's that good at fighting Wesen he's never been up against before.  At least Nick wasn't that successful with the crossbow full of sleeping potion.  If he had gotten that shot, I would have been so calling bull crap, especially since Nick had only seen Akira for a second before attacking.

Nick never got to question Akira about anything because the mystery lady stabbed Akira to to death and then revealed herself to be Nick's mother.  I couldn't be that surprised or invested in that finale "bombshell."  It just seemed random and like a ploy to get viewers to keep watching next season (if there is one).  Yes, I would like to know how and why Nick's mother faked her death (and what became of Nick's father), but the execution of his background story was handled so poorly that it seems a little forced.  There's enough to handle on the Grimm mystery plate without this.  Of all the things that could have been made clearer, Nick's parents were not on the top of my list at all!  Maybe it has to do with those coins, which are obviously very important to the story overall somehow, but who cares at this stage??  For them to end the finale with that made me just groan.

Another thing that was left open was the matter of Adalind's cat attack upon Juliette.  Rosalie and Monroe had just begun to paralyze her cat to find out what might have been put inside of Juliette, but we have no idea.  All we know is that Juliette became conscious again, but seemed to be affected by the same dark influence that Adalind's cat was exposed to.  I thought we were going to see Juliette start attacking Nick or something, but that was as far as the Juliette and Adalind (who was nowhere to be found when Nick went looking for her) story went.  Seriously?  That's all we get?  But we got to see Nick's mother appear.  What a rip.  Couldn't Adalind's revenge story started another time??  It was just so annoying that barely anything had developed and it was over.

Then the "jewel" of the episode was when Nick was finally pushed to shove with hiding the truth.  Either he had to fess up or watch his girlfriend die, really.  But Nick's idea was to bring her to his crazy, late aunt's trailer and show her all of the Grimm stuff in one swoop.  But Nick didn't try to ease her into his world at all--he just rambled on about different Wesen and weapons in such a scatterbrained way that anyone would have thought that Nick was just suffering from psychosis, not saying any facts.  What the hell??  He totally blew it!  He's had time to prepare what he would say and use past strange occurrences to back up his stories.  Instead he just sited those random moments and pointed to drawings in old Grimm books and expected Juliette to just believe him.  I wanted to shake him.  So disappointed at how he carried himself.  At last, he made a desperate attempt to have Monroe show his wolf side to her, but by then it was just too late she was out.  Freaking ridiculous.

I think there were many other episodes that had more force than this one, yet this was supposed to be the season finale.  I still don't feel any deep attachment to the relationship between Juliette and Nick, so I'm not entirely worried about her fate.  To tell the truth, I'm not too worried about anything that they left hanging in this episode nor the others.  After sticking with this show for the entire season, I don't think that I will be tuning in for much longer.  If there is a second season, I might look at the premiere, but I doubt I would continue to watch after that.  And if there isn't a second season, I wouldn't be broken about it either.  This show has been like trudging through a muddy river in search of a tiny earring.  I think I'm about ready to abandon ship with this one.

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