Sunday, May 20, 2012

I Thought The Season Ended

Happy Endings, S02E22

Alex got the others to join a kickball team sponsored by her store, Xela.  Jane had joined a different team and defeated them at the semi-final match, but she later joined her sister's team and got Team Xela into the finals.  Dave failed to get over his yips in the game, so they replaced him.  However, at the last minute, they needed Dave to fill in for another player and he finally kicked the ball (into Penny's head).  They lost the game, but celebrated anyway.

I thought the season finale was the one about the wedding where Alex and Dave seemed to have gotten back together, but in this episode, I didn't sense they were together at all.  I heard there was a "lost episode" for this season, but I'm not sure if it's meant to be this one or not.  At any rate, I think this kickball story was weak and could have been removed.

There was barely anything I even could smile about while watching, but it wasn't a complete disaster.  Max's defeated-before-trying attitude while coaching wasn't too bad.  He was almost funny in the way that he kept setting the bar lower and lower for the team's performance, but he just didn't quite get me to laugh.  Also, not entirely bad was Brad trying to coin the nickname "Bunt Cake" for himself throughout.   His persistence nearly made that joke work.

Nothing more to say about this episode, except that it makes me wonder if I want to continue to watch this show.  It seems to have lost its humor for me the more it goes on, but I don't want to miss any good Max moments either.  We'll see what kind of "adventures" they get into next season before I decide whether I'm holding onto a former favorite that has possibly past its prime already.

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