Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Finally The Right Time Came

New Girl, S02E15

Schmidt, Nick, and Winston went out to hook up with some girls, leaving Jess behind in the apartment alone.  Schmidt and Nick fought over a girl, while Winston met a girl willing to help him talk better with women.  Everyone ended back at the loft after Jess freaked out from a strange noise at the door and played their favorite game.

Nick's obsession with his stolen women's coat was so cute.  Only he could have a confidence boost from that and refuse to take it off even if it got him kicked out of the club.  I was dying for someone to make an Inspector Gadget reference and Winston obliged me later on when they were playing the game.  That really added to Nick looking ridiculous.

I was sort of mad that Schmidt, who usually doesn't have too many problems getting girls, was getting in the way of Nick and Holly.  Finally Nick had found a woman who was turned on by the sadness that surrounds his life rather than repulsed by it.  She was definitely an odd woman, but you don't look a gift horse in the mouth.  It sucked that Nick had not just Schmidt getting in his way, but also Jess, who was being her typical "cooler" self.

Jess in this episode was really adorable.  This was mostly when she was left alone in the apartment, playing with her mountain of clothes.  I was so surprised that she acting like a little kid with nothing else better to do than run fake marathons and dress up like a robot.   That Nick doll she made from a melon and hoodie with a beer can in her head was borderline creepy, but also made her look like she just couldn't stand a night without her favorite guy.  I loved it--she is such a dork.  I actually liked it better when she was spending time by herself rather than when everyone came home to play True American.

Of course, the best thing about them playing the game was when Nick and Jess were stuck behind the "Iron Curtain" and made to kiss.  It was funny how hard it was for them to do it even the slightest bit naturally.  The weirdest attempt was when Nick was smiling like the Joker and Jess told him he couldn't kiss with his teeth.  It was disappointing that they failed to seal the deal despite that Jess admitted that Nick could be hot (if he groomed himself) and they had a little moment together.   Sam came along and ruined the magic they had started to have, and they eneded up being awkward with each other again.

However, all that drama paid off when Nick admitted that he did want to kiss Jess, just not in such an artificial setting.  I got excited hearing that.  Then, unfortunately, Nick started talking incoherently and fled to the window ledge instead of elaborating on what he meant.  I was getting pretty fed up then because they had almost had all night to have their first kiss together, and it just wasn't happening.  Finally, at the end Nick unexpectedly grabbed Jess and the two of them had such a passionate kiss!  There was no way you could say that Nick was doing it all because Jess was 100% kissing him back.  Wow!  It was so amazing to see!  And perfect that it came right when you thought that them advertising Nick and Jess kissing was just a ploy to get you to watch.  We are back on track with Nick and Jess--yes!

This was a great episode mainly because we got to see "Trench Coat Nick" and the first kiss between Nick and Jess.  It took almost to the very end of the episode before were we rewarded from watching Nick and Jess fumble around to lock lips, but finally the right time came along.  I doubt that Jess will so quickly start rethinking her feelings about Sam, but she can't possibly be able to forget how electric her kiss with Nick was. She was blown away and she can't erase that.  Nick better not try and pretend it didn't happen either.  I want to see them next time expressing at least their feedback of those magical few seconds.

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