Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Pepperwood And Pogos

New Girl, S02E14

Nick became convinced that one of Jess' most improved students was psychotic and dangerous.  When he snuck into the student's shed and saw pictures of a girl being murdered, Nick made Jess think her life was in danger.  Winston learned of his "pogo" and told Schmidt that he had one of his own.  When Schmidt's pogo came out, everyone else in the loft wanted to know theirs.

I don't know if we've yet to see how Jess' job has been going, but this was a good start.  I liked how her teachings relate to Nick's hobby as well.  I don't think he would have had an easy way to get involved with her student if he didn't consider himself a writer.  The more Nick identifies himself with writing, the more I like it, such as when he scoffed at Jess' idea of reading Edgar's story at first:
Writers don't read, we write.
However, more than being a writer in this episode, Nick started acting like a detective and sneaking around people's houses and breaking into sheds.  Wow, it's dangerous what Nick can do with some imagination and some free time.  I don't know if him breaking the law was worse or better than him showing up to Jess' class as a guy from Chicago named Julius Pepperwood.  I did like that his Chicago accent was heavier when he was Pepperwood and he was sort of flirting with Jess a little bit.  I feel like through his new persona a few of his hidden emotions came through.

The best part of him being Pepperwood, though, was when he was wrestling with Jess for that notebook.  At one point, it look like Nick was just grinding up behind Jess!  It looked so inappropriate, especially in front of her student.  But it was hilarious how they looked like they were fooling around.

What I didn't like about this story was that rude ass lady Edgar was dating.  Okay, sure, Jess and Nick were breaking and entering, so Jess probably deserved some mace, but she didn't need to call Jess a bitch for asking what was in the duffel bag.  Jess is way too nice because I would have thrown her attitude right back at her.  But Jess is way to sweet to bring it like that.  However, Jess did surprise me a little by attacking Edgar and jumping on his back.  She also said he'd have to kill her if Edgar wanted to kill Nick.  Why do we get to see a disgusting couple like Edgar and old lady, but we don't get to see Nick and Jess except suggestively?  Come on now.

In the other story, I thought it was awkward that Winston kept poking people with his penis so much that his roommates were talking about it behind his back.  I have to agree with Schmidt, though, that if he really wanted to take care of it he could just cover up better:
They make shoes for your penis--they're called pants!
As for Schmidt's pogo, I'm just surprised that with his extensive self-maintenance that he neglects his feet like that.  So he puts so much care into everything about himself but just stops at the feet?  So odd.  I liked that before Schmidt knew he kept pestering Winston with his guesses.  We could have enjoyed more things like him shaving his eyebrows (eww!) if Cece hadn't let the cat out of the bag.  She was sort of unnecessary around the house, except for the fact that she got "impaled" with Winston's friend downstairs.  She was particularly noisy about knowing her own pogo when I just wanted to know what Nick's was.  His turned out to be the best of them all because they don't talk shit about him--they were just concerned:
[Winston] We're worried about you.
[Nick] You're worried about me?
[Schmidt] We're worried you're not going to make it.
[Nick] Make it to what?
[Jess] Just in general.  Cuz you don't take care of yourself.
It had to be embarrassing for Nick, but it was so sweet that they all look after him in ways that he doesn't know about like slipping him vitamins and money.  But it was also funny because it made Nick seem like a big ol' mess, which he most certainly is.

This was a pretty good episode.  It was nice to see that Nick's writing thing is probably going to come up more times than I expected and that he's still writing.  I would even like to see him act out Pepperwood again one day because that guy is pretty funny, even if he's a horrible detective.  I want to see more of Jess and her students because with people like Edgar being in her class, it's gotta bring more good material for stories.  I also liked hearing everyone's pogos, but Nick's was definitely the best.  I'm easily won over by something that both makes me laugh and appreciate that Nick has such good friends watching his back.

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