Monday, June 11, 2012

Tara Lives On, Lafayette Gets A Razor

True Blood, S05E01

Sookie and Lafayette asked Pam to help them save Tara by turning her into a vampire.  In order to save Luna and Emma, Sam took the blame for Marcus' murder.  Eric and Bill began to run from the Authority with help from Eric's "sister," Nora.  Jason became more smitten with Jessica after she saved him from vampire Steve, but she still only thought of him as a friend.  Terry tried to make sure Patrick didn't reveal anything from his past that would ruin his current life.  Alcide tried to warn others that Russel Edgington had escaped from the concrete.

Until I re-watched the last season, I had forgotten that Tara had been shot in the head and seemed dead.  It's not so surprising I would forget about her because I couldn't care less if she lived or died.  That's why I was disappointed that Pam showed up when she did because it gave Sookie and Lafayette a chance to save her.  Of all the people I could have imagined turning, I would have never guessed Tara (even when she was stuck with Franklin).  I like that Sookie will owe Pam a favor (which is definitely not going to be anything pleasant), but I wish that Tara wouldn't come back at all.  I'm tired of her inability to deal with all the horrible shit that's happened to her.  I know she's had it rough, but I can only stand so much bitching about how miserable life is until I feel like she needs to throw in the towel.  However, she may be a lot less whiney once she's lost her human heart (and has Pam as her maker).  I already knew that her first target might be Sookie once she got out of the ground, so that wasn't much of a surprise.  It'll be a surprise if Tara doesn't want to kick Lafayette and Sookie's ass for making her lose her humanity.  That would be very Tara-like, after all.  That ungrateful bitch.

My favorite thing about this episode was that Lafayette didn't off himself when he saw that razor and instead shaved off that horrible mohawk from last season.  It just wasn't cute!  And I was staring at him in the tub before he saw the razor, thinking to myself about how it's a shame that another year hadn't lapsed (as did when Sookie went to the fairy world) so that he could have enough time for a new hairdo.  So glad someone out there was listening to me (and possibly other fans who didn't care for that hair?).  I'll be most glad, however, when Lafayette can cheer up and start dressing like he's not in mourning anymore.  I miss his outfits.

If I had to pick another favorite part, it would have been when Steve showed up at Jason's door as a vampire.  It's funny that my sister had asked me during the previous episode why he was dressed so gay and I replied that it didn't mean anything, but I guess he always did carry a torch for Jason.  That's not too surprising at all.  After all, Jason is a man who could attract practically anyone he wanted, and he and Steve were quite close at once.  Thankfully, Jason didn't have to be forced to love Steve because Jessica came along and claimed him.  Unfortunately, Jessica doesn't want to step their relationship up, but I'm sure she'll come around sooner or later.  More than Jason get with Jessica, I'd like Hoyt to stop holding a grudge against Jason.  I can't help but take Jason's side in the matter, even if he was the one who did wrong.  Jason will make mistakes for sure, but when push comes to shove, he's there for people.  I'm starting to wish that Hoyt would just disappear and stop torturing his ex-best friend.

As much as I like Eric, I hate that he seems to be able to forget Sookie so easily.  True, she tossed both he and Bill to the curb, but damn.  To sense that she was in danger, but to just say "Fuck Sookie," is a little harsh.  She's done so much for the two of them that I feel like they just are eternally in her debt.  But, at this point, I feel like the two of them may as well get caught by the Authority.  I just kind of want to see what all this Authority business is about.  I'm a little glad that just when it looked like Eric and Bill might get away, they were ambushed by the Authority.  Finally, we might get to see more of the vampires who are behind the order kept over their kind.

I feel like Russell getting loose was bound to happen, but I hoped it would happen much later down the road.  It just seems like everyone else has enough on their plate without him coming back to get his revenge.  I'll be angry if Sookie has to suffer for it because she had no idea that Bill and Eric didn't kill him in the first place.  If she gets caught by him and neither of those two can do anything for her, I'm going to be pissed.

As far as Sam goes, I don't worry about him too much because he's a survivor.  It sucks that he was trying to take the wrath of the werewolf pack just to save his girl and pay back Alcide, but I like seeing Sam being so tough in the face of probable death.  He may not be the best guy around, but at least he's not a coward or throws other people under the bus to help himself.  I love Sam, and I'm glad that Luna got Alcide to admit that he wasn't guilty.  Whether or not that will actually get him off the hook is yet to be determined.  I feel like Sam won't be freed of his association with the wolves anytime soon.

I'm not too interested in Terry, but Patrick mentioning the fires does raise my intrigue.  I had thought a ghost was trying to burn their house down, but maybe it wasn't.  What in the world could be coming to get Terry and his friends from the past with fires?  Did they piss off some supernatural thing while their were in Iraq?  I hope it's as interesting as it seems and not something really stupid (like a lot of things in True Blood seem to be).

I'm glad to have one of my favorite shows back, but so far, I'm not too impressed by the stories.  Of course, I know that this show can go all sorts of directions in a short number of episodes, so there's no telling what surprises they have in store this season.  Most of all, I'm just ready to hear some classic lines from Lafayette.  I've always been able to rely on him to bring the comedy amidst all the killing and weird shit going on, so I hope that he won't let me down this season either.

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