Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Playing Burning Room Telephone

Once Upon A Time, S02E08

Emma and the others tried to contact Henry through Aurora to find a way to defeat Cora, but were interrupted by an attack by Cora.  Once Aurora was captured and they lost their connection to the other side, Snow used Mulan's sleeping powder to return to the burning room.  She met Charming there who had put himself under the sleeping curse so that Henry wouldn't have to go through the danger again.  Hook tried to get back on Cora's good side by making Aurora one of her pawns.

I never considered that it wouldn't be so easy for Aurora and Henry to communicate, even though they are only linked once both are asleep.  Once Aurora was taken and Henry was getting all burned up, I started to doubt that Emma and the others would ever learn that Cora could be defeated by the quill ink in Rump's old cell.  It was a nice turn of events that Snow would take Aurora's place and Charming would do the same for Henry.

It was kind of funny how Rump was mentioning that Charming was going to get to take the sleeping potion in the old fashioned way--the so-called way before the days of "poisoned apples."  I loved that.  I loved that as much as him saying that Charming was going to join a "distinguished club."  Yeah, a club of cursed people!  Rump is a laugh riot.  Also, why the hell was he spinning that damn wheel?  That wasn't necessary in order for Charming to prick his finger.  But it was a nice touch before Charming went under.

My favorite thing of all is simply that Regina went to Rump and Belle enjoying some burgers (that just tickles me by itself to see him hanging out) and told him that it was time for some teamwork.  Yes! I think that Rump is still resistant to the idea, but now that they have worked together to make a sleeping potion, I think that going back to strictly enemies is too late now.  Plus, Charming is out of commission until Snow gets back, so it's not like they will have a "mediator" anymore.

I don't know how Storybrooke is going to survive without Charming around.  The townspeople are a bit of wildcards.  Like something with Spencer could happen again--any person wanting revenge on another could take this opportunity to cause havoc.  I don't know if people like Red are really going to step in and do Charming's job to preserve the peace.

Anyway, Mulan is really starting to piss me off.  I know that her main goal is to protect Aurora, but it's wrong of her to steal that compass and run off while Snow was risking her life to go back to that damn fire room!  What a bitch!  I could understand her trying that if Snow and Emma were just sitting around not trying to fix anything, but they were getting important information.  I was really happy when Snow had Mulan on her back with an arrow to her throat.  I wouldn't have blamed Snow if she had cut her throat!  Mulan needs to trust people a little more.  She can't do everything herself.

Now speaking of Aurora, what a horrible thing that has been done to her!  She can't get a damn break.  Hook took out her damn heart and now Cora's using her like a puppet.  I never saw that coming.  I didn't think that Hook was really sincere about helping Emma and the others, but damn.  He really wants to kill Rump.  Not that he wasn't already a despicable person when he was just a pirate having fun.

Wow, there was so many good things this week!  It was well worth the wait.  I don't think that Emma and the others will be able to beat Cora to returning to Storybrooke now that Cora has a spy within their group.  However, at least now if Cora and Hook do soon make their way to the other world, Rump and Regina are already in the beginning of a new alliance.  Seeing the two of them work together to help Emma or stop Cora is something I can't wait for!  I'm sure that will just as exciting as it will be humorous.

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