Friday, February 8, 2013

Tessa Might Be A Loser, But Dalia Isn't

Suburgatory, S02E12

Tessa, noticing that she was lacking an after school activity, signed up as the producer of the school TV show, Teen Talk.  Ryan had to fill in as the host, and his success changed the show into a discussion forum about his body.  Tessa, not finding value in his show, argued with Ryan about whether she was a loser or not.  George discovered that Dallas' property was technically in East Chatswin, causing Dallas to be driven out of the country club and Dalia to have to move to a new school.

One thing that I like about Ryan and Tessa dating is that Ryan is able to point out things that make Tessa look sort of bad.  He doesn't do it deliberately, of course, but just by comparing the two of them, you see that Tessa could stand for improvement.  This time, it was about her extracurricular activities.  Ryan's multiple engagements made it clear that Tessa isn't involved in anything beyond herself.  Instead of that realization turning into a positive for her, she basically made it a negative once Ryan became part of her show.  Ryan came in to save Tessa's butt on her first day as producer and made her show a relative hit, and yet she couldn't look past the superficial to see the bigger picture.  For someone who claims to have more depth than most residents of Chatswin, Tessa can be pretty dense.  When Mr. Wolfe has to break down why you love your own boyfriend, you're not doing too well.

Still, I loved when Tessa and Ryan made up.  Ryan knelt down in front of her and apologized for calling her loser, and Tessa admitted that she was acting like one too.  Then they had a cute kiss on-air (which I worried would be a problem, but no one was bothered by it).  Damnit, they are just too amazing together.  I never thought the two of them would end up being one of my favorite couples.

Dallas' story was funny in that she had to adapt to East Chatswin life, which seemed to be pretty ghetto in comparison.  I mean, she technically only had to start going to a different gym (and probably eat somewhere else), but that was enough for Dallas to feel the pain.  When she wouldn't even go back into her house because it was "practically a crack den," I was cracking up.  To have such a beautiful home and sleep in your car because of a zoning technicality is too much.  George being by her side throughout her "ordeal" made it seem worthwhile.  It showed that he'll be with her through thick and thin.

Unquestionably, the best thing about the zoning problem was that Dalia got sent to East Chatswin High School.  She was escorted out of her original school by security and she still remained cool and sort of dissed her classmates before she did (by having no one to say goodbye to).  Then once transfered, she continued to diss them by calling people she saw there by her old classmates' names.  The worst was the red-haired janitor that she called Tessa.  Wow, she really does not think highly of any damn body.  Things got even better when Dalia met her black doppelganger, Daisy.  Although I felt bad for Dalia being bullied, it was so interesting to see the shoe on the other foot for her.  Daisy and the "A's" kept coming down on Dalia for being so pale and vampire like--wow.  As if she was the only white girl in school--they were clearly just looking for something to make fun of her.  I mean, they had little material to work with because Dalia doesn't scream "loser" with her attitude or fashion sense.  They might as well just have teased her for breathing.  What was great about Dalia being hated was that she didn't really fight back and pointed out to Daisy that one day she might find herself in Dalia's position ("the odd biatch out").   Only Dalia could walk through a hall where everyone was throwing paper balls at her as if it was nothing.  I love her.  She may not have been "tan" enough to fit in with the popular kids there, but they couldn't break her inner diva. 

This was a great episode.  Again, it wasn't hilarious or anything, but I enjoyed the series of events.  Tessa really needs to get off her high horse sometimes and look at things from a more positive side.  Ryan seems like he may be able to bring about that change in her.  Dallas is a trip when having to step outside of her world.  I'd love to see her in that kind "trouble" again, as long as George is there with her.  Without him, I don't think she could survive in an "unfruited water" world.  Dalia might have gotten a taste of her own medicine meeting Daisy, but she surely didn't bow down to another queen bee.  You have to love her unwavering spirit.

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