American Dad, S08E04
Stan kicked Roger out of the attic so that his newly widowed mother could live there and resisted at first when Roger and Betty were married right away. Stan grew to love Roger as his new dad, but thought his mother was in danger when he saw someone had left a website open that offered advice on how to kill one's spouse. Steve and his friends also found a lost script for a Fast and Furious sequel.
It took me nearly to the end of the episode to not be grossed out by Roger being involved with Betty. He's just so nasty! It's times like this that I'm reminded that he's an alien just playing dress-up and also has screwed more people than Stan's ever seen in his life. It just made me skin crawl a little to see his hands all up on someone that closely related to Stan. Stan seemed more angry about it than wanting to vomit, like I did, mostly because I guess he didn't like the idea of having a new dad. I never expected Roger to try and fulfill that role to Stan nor did I think that he would be successful in establishing a loving (yet weird) father-son relationship with him. I mean, Roger was a pretty good stepdad. Knowing Roger, I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop because Roger always has some kind of ulterior motive when one of his personas is doing something good for someone else, but he remained good until he had to kill off his character (which was really convenient). I was a little surprised that Betty was trying to off Roger, but she is Stan's mother, so that crazy had to come from somewhere.
I think the only gag I really liked was where Roger kept having pictures of himself and Stan that had just happened or were about to happen. It was really weird. It reminds me of when I look at pictures in movies and such and always wonder who was there at that exact perfect moment to capture the pictures. Because they would be too in the moment pictures for someone to have just casually happened to get them on film. This joke wasn't hilarious, but I appreciated it.
I didn't appreciate too much the story about Steve. Did not need to see the characters from those horrible Fast and Furious movies making out with each other. I think we could have been all right not having a side story at all.
This episode was okay. I think what I liked most was that Roger was genuine for a change. He's usually such a bastard while trying to pretend to be a saint that it sometimes makes me mad. Also, Stan learned a little that his mother isn't so perfect, so maybe we won't have to see her again anytime soon. I wouldn't mind seeing Roger acting nice again sometime. He's disgusting and weird, but he really makes the show entertaining (He just needs to not be so conniving all the time).
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