The Cleveland Show, S04E03
Holt befriend Rallo and paid him to help him get ladies. Cleveland, Lester, and Tim opened a second Broken Stool in the airport on behalf of Gus and were terrified that Gus would kill them if it wasn't successful.
I guess I liked that this was an episode around Thanksgiving time, but there wasn't too much about the actual holiday in either stories. After all, they've already done a Thanksgiving story before that was pretty memorable (not in a good way because who wouldn't like to forget that Auntie Mama and Freight Train got it on?), so I don't see it necessary for them to outdo what they've already done. Overall, it wasn't the best stories I've seen on this show, but it wasn't too bad.
I didn't like the story about Cleveland wanting to set up another bar. I did like, however, how the story started with Holt rushing to make his flight and the airport trying its best to help him get to the gate in time. How great would that be if that was reality? I hate flying so much, so it was funny to see the staff letting Cleveland and company bypass security and to see the lady at the gate comforting Holt when she told him he had just missed his flight. It would be impossible for all airport personnel to accommodate all people who weren't able to get to their flights in time, but it would be nice if there was an ounce of compassion about someone desperately trying to not waste time and money by missing a flight. I don't think you can overdo the jokes about how bad it is to fly in America because it's a wonder why anyone would want to travel that way if it wasn't necessary.
The rest of the story was pretty boring with Cleveland getting drunk and taking a plane out until it ran out of fuel. I can't really think of how that story could have taken a better route to comedy, but it surely wasn't by making Cleveland nearly die in a plane crash. I'm also not sure how it was that no one at all knew it was him that stole and destroyed a plane. Anyway, there wasn't one second that Cleveland and the others got to sell even one drink, so it made his endeavor really pointless. Unless you want to count that Holt got to use his new "swinging skills" to save Cleveland.
Now Holt and Rallo's story was a lot better, but it wasn't incredible. I liked that before Cleveland had to look after him, Rallo was watching something called "Mystery Science Magic Johnson Theater 3000." A very funny blend of two very different things. It was little funny to see instead of robots (or whatever those things were on that show) these ghetto-sounding guys were shouting throughout the movie, but it was even better that Rallo was annoyed by it:
I think that was my favorite thing Rallo had said in this episode. I also enjoyed when he was trying to get Holt to stop singing about how he was paying for a kid for sex and other easily misinterpreted lines. But the only other thing that was worth mentioning was when Rallo was sick of Holt's dad calling them maggots (and generally being a dick):Y'all shut up! I'm trying to watch a movie!
[Rallo] You know what--you're a maggot!I just love that Rallo had had it with that guy and wasn't about to listen to him call anyone a maggot again. He is just the coolest little kid around (definitely within Seth MacFarlane world).
[Gasps] [Holt's Dad] I am a human being.
This episode was only okay because it featured Rallo taking someone under his wing. There was minimum Junior, which was disappointing, but also minimum Roberta and Donna, so that was ultimately a plus. I don't know if I've ever really liked a story that was about Cleveland and his friends getting into some stupid business thing or scheme, but I certainly didn't like this one. Or maybe I just wish the scheme was a little better attempted next time. Otherwise, fill that time with more Rallo because I can't get enough of him.
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