Thursday, March 1, 2012

Tessa's "Scott Strauss"

Suburgatory, S01E16

 Dallas starts off this episode showing off more hotties from various countries.  So I guess that she's not going to go for George any time soon. Why would she, really?  I mean, she looks wonderful for her age and is bubbly and fun.  There's no reason for her to settle for only those that she knows.  I'm not going to hate on her game, as much as I'd like to see her get with George.

But my reason for them getting together is ultimately so I can see the tension between Dalia and Tessa reach its peak.  The tension is rising, for sure now.  It's nice to see that Dalia can get at Tessa without even trying (and she certainly wasn't doing that with her "deep" poem about cars).  Tessa thought she had a chance to connect with a teacher she thought would be cool based on her appearance and occupation mostly, but it turns out that Tessa couldn't impress Ms. Evans.  Worse than that, she had to learn a lesson from her archenemy in the process.  After Tessa demands that Dalia tell her the secret to writing poetry Ms. Evans would like, Dalia explains that Tessa is just trying too hard to impress her, just as Dalia was trying too hard with Scott Strauss.  Sadly, Dalia is right about that and that Tessa is a little more pathetic than Dalia was with Scott.  He was a dreamy teenager boy, and Ms. Evans, as Dalia put it, was a middle-aged woman with BO.  I will have to make this episode a win for Dalia.  I haven't been keeping score, but I would have said they had been pretty even until now.  Tessa better not get blinded by someone or something again.  Dalia is an enemy you gotta keep your eye on.

I loved that after Dalia imparts this revelation to Tessa she says:
Yeah, you think about that, Biatch, because I see it sinking in. 
The incontestable winner, Ms. Dalia Royce!

Another good line was from Fred and George after George had displayed his natural talent for playing croquet:
[Fred] You are frothing my wife up into a frothy frenzy!  And I would appreciate a little decorum!
[George] Ah, OK.  I didn't mean to froth anyone.
Again, George has awesome delivery coupled with a deep voice that can make most words hilarious.  This time it was "froth."  I could laugh hearing him read a dictionary if he did it right.

Lastly, I was pleased to see that Dallas hinted again that she and George have a chance.  This was suggested by the ball carrier that she gave him labeled "Georgas."  Not the best couple name ever, but she has to have thought about them being together to think of such a ridiculous name.  Their romance is definitely going to go slowly, but I can wait.  I think I can.

As long as there is no more croquet in the next episode, I'll be happy.  There was only a little bit in this one, and it was too much.  Furthermore, when are we going to see Rex Lee again??  Let's have an episode centered on him.  But I'm always rooting for more of the Dalia-Tessa War.  Can't get enough of that.

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